Well, yesterday was the day that we all bit the checkbook, in a sense. April 15th, Tax Day. I had my taxes done like 2 weeks ago, so I wasn't one of those last minute people, but yesterday the collective responsibilty of Americans were completed.
However, instead of just doing that job and moving on, some bitter people from the loser side of the election of 2008 showed up, in numerous 'Tea Parties' across America.
They say that America and the government is wasting money that we don't have. They say that we have been taxed enough and that the role of government is expanding and becoming ever more there.
What they failed to mention is that all of them paid their taxes. What they did was just futile, and served no purpose. We live in a different day and era then we did only just 1 year ago. The failed (none) economic policies of the president before Obama created this mess we are in. All Obama is doing is just trying to fix the mess.
But, these people don't believe it. Headed by right-wing ego high talk show hosts like, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly they made people believe that America is not the country it was. We are turning socalist. This is nothing but pure rubbish.
Keep in mind that Glenn Beck, before 9/11/2001 was nothing. He was a no-name radio host who was in small markets. After that fateful day in American history, he was hoisted into radio and now television via FauxNews. He even came up with this '9/12 Project' where he asks Americans to bring back the mentality and direction of that day.
This country is coming back from depression and recession. If spending money (that we contribute through taxes) will help bring us back, I am all for it. We need a mindset that we will survive this, and we are. So, instead of arguing, just enjoy the fact that you still live in the greatest country on this planet.
Lastly, the comments of Texas Governor Rick Perry is just disgusting. He said that if the US government continues to meddle in the business of Texans, that we just might, just might, have to leave the union of the USA. Sir, with all due respect, that is impeachable comments. I hope citizens of the great state of Texas (which once was a country itself) wake up and see that these comments have no place in today's day and age.
No recession is like any other. So with this one. Sometimes, what we must do is swallow our pride, shut up, and let things work out. President Obama and members of Congress started to roll this ball. The ball is rolling. Let it continue to roll. If you don't like it, sorry. Republcians, you had your time. We had to put up with 8 years of Bush and company. Now, it's President Obama and his administration to shape and form this world.
So please, kindy ... Shut up and sit down.
-- Matt