Monday, April 27, 2009

Be Smart and Don't Panic

This blog post is not a normal posting here, so just bear with me ...

That is the words of advice you hear on the news now.  Every channel.  Every network.  All because of this 'swine flu' bug that is going around.

And I want to express that point, yet bring up some topics that may not have been brought up yet.

First of all, don't panic.  This is not Steven King's 'The Stand' virus.  America and the world will be here tomorrow.

Second, use common sense.  If you are sick, stay home.  If you know someone who is sick, keep your distance.  Not saying this to be rude or anything, but you don't want to get sick at all, now do you?

Third, and this point has not been brought up yet ... HOW did this happen?  What was the reason?  This is not food poisoning, and this wasn't done by unprocessed food or bad conditions to raise that.  So, how is this happening, and why.  That is an answer we need now.  Not later.

I think President Obama and his team are handling this crisis well.  And we need to do so as well.

-- Matt

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