Wednesday, February 11, 2009

American idol Top 36 announced!

Well, good evening. If you are a HUGE American Idol fan, then you need to read this. American Idol Top 36 has been announced!

I was at a special screening for a movie tonight, so I had to DVR it. Even that did not go through correctly, as only half of the two hour show was DVR'ed.

So, with some blog searching and such the good folks at, have posted the names of the top 36. The ones in bold, are what I feel the ones that you should look out for. After that, I will pick the one person who I think you should watch out for .... and why. Here we go!

The Top 36 :)

1. Arianna Afsar
2. Kris Allen
3. Kendall Beard
4. Anne Marie Boskovich
5. Ricky Braddy
6. Matt Breitzke
7. Casey Carlson
8. Megan Corkery
9. Tatiana Del Toro
10. Anoop Desai
11. Stephen Flower
12. Matt Giraud
13. Danny Gokey
14. Alexis Grace
15. Mishavonna Henson
16. Allison Iraheta
17. Ju’not Joyner
18. Kai Kalama
19. Brent Keith
20. Adam Lambert
21. Jesse Langseth
22. Scott MacIntyre
23. Nathaniel Marshall
24. Kristen McNamara
25. Nick Mitchell
26. Jasmine Murray
27. Jorge Nuñez
28. Joanna Pacitti
29. Lil Rounds
30. Michael Sarver
31. Von Smith
32. Jackie Tohn
33. Taylor Vaifanua
34. Jeanine Vailes
35. Alex Wagner-Trugman
36. Stevie Wright

And there is more I could bold and point out, but again, only half of them shown were tonight, and not only that, I personally don't remember each and everyone.

With that said, DANNY GOKEY is the guy you need to watch out for this year. This awesome talent has a great voice, and has quite a story. His wife tragically died about a year ago, and he is doing this in her memory. Watch out for this guy, he IS going far. Let's see if I'm right this year.

-- Matt

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