Wednesday, March 25, 2009

American Idol Motown Recap

Kinda tired tonight, so I will keep this kind of short ...

I thought tonight was great.  Performances were good for the most part.  As much as I liked Matt Giraud's performance, the performance of the night though went to Adam Lambert.  He cleaned up his image and he shined on the stage.  I thought it was neat how he did a complete 180 from last week.  His performance was one of the best of the season so far.  Nicely done.

Here is what I think will go down tomorrow night (8PM) ...

Megan Joy

Megan Joy

I really do like Meagan, but this was not her night.  Her performance was not one to remember.  Sorry girl.  You'll make it far though.

Have a great evening.  

-- Matt

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