Saturday, January 31, 2009

Another winter storm & movie suggestion

Good afternoon.

As of now, plans are still for me to see the Groundhog early Monday morning. But, I am getting a little nervous since we have a new winter storm arriving. Latest check at the forecast says that the snow should start Monday afternoon, start to pick up even more Monday night and lasting into Tuesday. So, hopefully snow will not affect me seeing this event again, as it did last year. Stay tuned ...

Also, watched my first DVD from Netflix last night. Watched 'Mirrors' with Kiefer Sutherland. Very good film. Good thriller as well. And a ending you won't see a mile away. Definitely check it out. Now, as for my experience so far with Netflix, I have to say so far I am pleased. The DVD played in my player with hardly any skips, and if it happened, it just did for less than a second. Returning the DVD is easy too, just seal it and ship. Next movie in my queue: Lakeview Terrace with Sanuel L. Jackson.

Will keep you up to date with any updates on this latest winter storm. But Sunday should be nice, with high of 43 predicted.

-- Matt

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